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Our Team


Mrs E. Johnston

Deputy Designated Teacher for Safeguarding

Assessment Team

"She is so nice and helpful" - Brooke

Executive Officer

Mrs P. Watters 

The heart of the school

"Mrs Watters is kind and helpful" - Paige 


Mrs E. Montgomery - Teacher 

Head of Nursery & Play

 Designated Teacher for Safeguarding and Child Protection (Nursery)

"Mrs Montgomery, I love you" - Maddie 

Mrs E. Miskimmon - Nursery Assistant 

"She plays with me" - Lottie

Mrs M. Morton- Nursery Assistant 

"Mrs Morton is good" - Cody

Mrs G. Ussher - Teacher 

Outdoor Play in Nursery 

"Mrs Ussher tells us to come in to school and play" - Willow

Miss H. Hill  - Nursery Assistant 

"She helps us" - Scarlett 

Miss L. McAllister - Nursery Assistant 

"This is Miss McAllister. She plays in the sand and builds castles" - Leo

Primary 1

Mrs L. Grimason - Teacher 

Head of Foundation Stage and World Around Us Co Ordinator & Outdoor Play

"Mrs Grimason makes me happy" - Robyn 

Miss C. Cairns - Classroom Assistant 

"Miss Cairns helps us" - Asher

Miss C Douglas- Classroom Assistant

"Miss Douglas is very kind to us"- Alana-Rose 

Mrs D McGrath- Classroom Assistant 

"Mrs McGrath always listens to us and is caring."

Primary 2 

Mrs J. Webb - Teacher

RE and Music 

"I love her story times" - Sophie

Mrs L. Ferguson - Classroom Assistant 

"Mrs Ferguson is pretty" - Lottie


Primary 3 

Miss S. Marshall - Teacher 

Head of Key Stage One and Numeracy Co Ordinator 


"Miss Marshall always makes me happy" - Isla

Miss L. Hill  - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"Miss Hill helps me open my packed lunch food" - Sophia

Primary 3/4

Mrs A. Herron - Teacher

ICT Co-Ordinator 

"Mrs Herron is a lovely teacher and she gives lovely hugs."- Sapphire 


Mrs J. Rankin - Classroom Assistant 

Ms F. Nicol - Classroom Assistant 

"I love her teaching us stuff" - Saskia

Primary 4

Mrs N. Campbell - Teacher

School Council Leader 

"Mrs Campbell loves bringing us outside to the forest" - Lily 

Mrs R. Wand - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"Mrs Wand helps us all the time" - Ruby 

Primary 5

Miss E. Beggs - Teacher 

PE Co Ordinator 

"I think Miss Beggs is great" - Lana

Mrs A. Davis - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"I like talking to Mrs Davis because it makes me happy" - Kagan

Mrs K. Burns - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"I like Mrs Burns because she is really kind to me" - Olivia 

Primary 6

Mrs L. Blackadder - Teacher 

Art, Library and Bookfair

"Mrs Blackadder is so kind, helpful and generous" - Kaden

Mrs  C. Donnelly - Classroom Assistant 

"I love Mrs Donnelly, she helps me in class" – April

Primary 6/7

Miss R. Maxwell - Teacher

"Miss Maxwell will always be there when you need her. She is the best P7 teacher ever" - Lawson

Mrs E. Telford - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"Mrs Telford is really funny and nice. She has been with us from P1" - Colen 

Miss S. Mathers - Classroom Assistant (1:1)

"Miss Mathers helps the class" - Jorja 

Primary 7

Mrs J. Hughes - Teacher 

Vice Principal

Head of Key Stage Two, Literacy Co Ordinator and Assessment Team 

"Mrs Hughes is always happy and smiling" - Jasmine 

Miss G. Beck - Classroom Assistant 

"I love Miss Beck because she is kind and helpful." - Phoebe

Nurture Room 

Mrs C. Davidson - Teacher

Senior Management

Designated Teacher for Safeguarding

 Arts Co Ordinator 

"I like her and she is fun" - Spencer-Jay

Miss E. Sayers - Classroom Assistant

"Miss Sayers likes squidges and chats" - Zara-Jane

Learning Support (Nursery - Primary 3)

Mrs L. Winstone - Teacher


P1 Teacher on Thursdays

"Mrs Winstone is careful and nice to other people" - Mason

Learning Support (Primary 4 - Primary 7)

Mrs K. Warnock - Teacher


P5 Teacher on Fridays

"She is a nice teacher" - Jacob

Parental Engagement Support (The Hub)

Miss J. McCullough - Parental Engagement Support Officer 

Parent Group Leader and Stay & Play Leader

"Miss McCullough is really funny and nice. She is also helpful" - Reuben  

People who help us

Dinner Supervisors: 





"They take care of us and are kind and nice" - Sofia 




"They keep our school clean and tidy" - Kaden 

Kitchen Staff:








"They give us good food" - Ellie

Mr Todd - Caretaker 

"Mr Todd is very nice and gave me chocolate last year. He really needs a raise and a week off work. He's a great janitor" - Mia